The Stump line of the tree is one of the more difficult ones to trace, due to a lack of verifiable sources. It is certain that Eli Nelson Stump was born on December 16, 1836 in Ohio. His wife was Susannah Alridge Russell, born around 1838 in Hocking County, Ohio. The two were married on July 30, 1857 in Hocking County, Ohio. The couple would have nine children together, including Alice Adara, Ida Ellen, and Tennessee. It is through Alice that the line continues. She was born on February 18, 1862 and on February 6, 1892 she married Charles William Huber. Alice and Charles had four daughters together, including Ethel Lucille Huber Schubert. Ethel is the next in this family line, marrying Paul Oscar Schubert. Ethel and P.O.'s only son was Paul Richard Schubert.