This collection of family history materials has two primary elements: documents and photographs. The documents cover a large span of time, from the early 19th century all the way to essentially the present day, and they represent a variety of formats. Within the collection are letters, poetry, scrapbooks, diaries, social invitations, event programs, and legal documents, just to name a few. Below is a list of the primary types of documents and the family members for whom we have examples of each. This list is updated as new documents are posted, so it is current with what is on the website, but it is not a comprehensive list of all the documents contained within the collection.
Letters and Correspondence
- Charles Russell Garr
- Charles Crain Garr
- Clyde Lewis Garr
- Elisabeth Headley Garr Lawrence
- Charlotte Russell Garr Schubert
- Sallie Crain Garr
- Alline Higgins Headley Rogers
- William Headley
- Elisabeth Higgins Headley Garr
- Frances Carter Headley Carruth
- Paul Richard Schubert
- Marjorie Woods Barnum Schubert
- Frances Carter Carruth Kerr
- Buddy and Ethel Carruth
- Frances Carter Kerr Lee
- Katherine Kerr Walker
- Edward Carter
- Daniel D. Atchison
- Edward and Joseph Carter
- James Russell Crain
- Simeon Lewis Crain
- Elizabeth Griggs Carter
Diaries/Personal Histories