
New Year, New Improvements

Hi Everyone!

Since we are starting out a new year, I thought it might be good to give you all an update about what is happening with the project. On the family tree side, I have been steadily adding new people, and rounding out the entries that were already in place. New entries to the Schubert, Huber, and Stump lines of the tree are extensive. I have also tried to add as many new pictures to the online tree as I can, as it helps me to put a name with a face, but also makes it look more interesting! If you want to take a look at the family tree, you can access it from the link in the "Family Tree" section of the "Collection" tab.

Over the past couple of days, this website has seen also some major additions. For the past couple of months, I have been slowly adding images, to figure out how it works and what else was needed. This week, I have also been adding new genealogical information to the website and doing some reorganization. Now if you were to click one of the "Family Names" pages, you would find a brief sketch about the family and how it fits into the tree overall. It is still a work in progress, but I am also working on adding new and more descriptive captions to the photographs as well. Some of those have already gone up, such as for the galleries labeled "Alexander Headley and Family," and "Charles William Huber and Family," and more will continue to be added in the future. I've also moved some pages around, and made a few aesthetic changes, nothing major, just things to polish it up. If you get a chance, take a look at it and see what you think!

Some new additions are also in the works, such as a smaller family tree of primarily immediate family for this website, and also a running list of which family members we have photographs of for the website. Of course, new scans, of both photos and documents, will continue to go up as time goes on, so be on the lookout for those new additions.

Happy New Year!


It's Been A While

Hi all,

I know it has been a while, I just wanted to let you all know that things have been progressing just not where you can see. I've been working on scanning and uploading, but haven't made some of the galleries live for viewing yet.  But they will be soon! Also, I have been adding some things to some of the already visible galleries so check some of those out for new content!  Part of the problem is that it takes me some time to sort out new items that haven't been added to gallery from ones that have been in my files on my flash drive as well as getting photos up with good descriptions!  Also, back at the office I've been trying to get things organized and filed away before I scan them so there's plenty waiting to be scanned and uploaded too.  Also, next week, I thought as a treat to have something to look through, I will dedicate my week to the family tree and getting more data up on it! So make sure to click the link to the family tree and see what's going on in it too!

Have a great day!


Betty's General Correspondence to Her Gallery

Hi all,

So I finished uploading all the scans from Betty's General Correspondence to Her folder, it had about 50 letters in it.  Currently, only a few letters are captioned, titled, and have tags and categories.  Still feel free to look through them!  You can click on the Garr tab at the bottom of the page and scroll down the index to Betty's page, there you will find the link to the General Correspondence to Her Gallery to click on.  Once in there, you can then see each letter by clicking on them and you can arrow through them as well when they pop up. 

On Betty's page there's another link to a folder of PDFs which is another option for displaying the letters, although I can't use tags and categories on them so they're not as searchable.

Please let me know if you have any problems!  Feedback is also welcome!